How to organize your life and put priorities in perspective
How to organize your life and put priorities in perspective

how to organize your life and put priorities in perspective

Put plainly, we fall into the trap of thinking the future isn’t as full of obstacles as it is right now and tend to overextend ourselves as a result. Which means we have a tendency to underestimate the time and resources necessary to complete a future task, due to a reliance on overly optimistic performance scenarios.

how to organize your life and put priorities in perspective

Unfortunately, we’re all subject to what Daniel Kahneman refers to as the planning fallacy. Creating an efficient machine like that takes discipline, clear procedures, and oversight. Projects often have hundreds or even thousands of tasks that require strict scheduling based on client due dates, available resources, and employee capacity. Get started Why prioritizing project tasks is critical What more could you ask for? In this article, we’ll share the core framework project managers use to streamline task management. It empowers your team to stay on track free of micromanagement, and as the project manager, you get to deliver projects in scope, within budget, and on time. Learning how to prioritize tasks is the kind of lesson that benefits everyone. Without task prioritization, your team is either frozen in place or aimlessly checking boxes and completing tasks that may or may not add up to something shippable. Prioritizing tasks is the lifeblood of a thriving project. “It’s 10 AM, do you know what your team is working on?”

How to organize your life and put priorities in perspective